Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ft. Hood - The Three Monkeys

Many have probably seen images of the three monkeys embodied i the phrase: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". I wonder if they are however familiar with a forth monkey from the same proverb: "do no evil".

We live in strange times. What has saddened me over the last few days about the terrorist attack (yes terrorist) at Fort Hood is that so many have wanted to deny what is so obvious to me, that the actions of a militant Islamic terrorist are evil and premeditated. Instead, those like Dr. Phil would rather excuse them as a temper tantrum of a frustrated solider. Perhaps, Dr. Phil and those like him would rather give terrorists a time out and a good dose of Ritalin rather than deal with the underlying cause, evil.

Enter now the PC wing of the military who certainly should be more than aware of the evils of this world who chose to worry more about backlash against Muslims. Their fear and innaction typify the three monkeys and ignore the forth: "Do no evil". Evil that is ignored or swept under the rug in the name of political correctness is in fact an evil in itself and perhaps, at times, as great as the evil that is being denied. Consider the Jews in Germany who were sent in trains to death camps. No one protested because it was easier to shut ones eyes.

Perhaps, when a child is afraid of the boogie man it makes sense for them to close there eyes and tell themselves there is nothing to fear in the dark. The truth is that there is something to fear in the dark, the darkness of evil. Islamic radicalism is evil. Not misguided, not he product of repressed anger as Dr. Phil would have us believe but yes, evil.

The solution. Perhaps the forth monkey can tell us: "do no evil" or perhaps, find ways to do good. The truth is that along with the evil that has been perpetrated at Fort Hood, there are also stories of heroism as there were after 9/11. I have always affirmed the basic goodness of people because I have seen it time and tme again and gratefully, more than I have seen evil. Those who fear the violence against Muslims forget that it was our government that sent innocent Japanese Americans to camps during World War II and the government that dropped not one but two nuclear weapons on innocent people. Was there violence against Japanese during World War II? Yes, some because guess what, evil exists. But overall, I would rather trust in the goodness of the American people to trust that they know the difference between an innocent Muslim and and evil one and to not hide our eyes and having the courage to foil evil plots to kill people even while they do take place in the name of religion.

And as for doing good. The truth is that religion has been far more the cause of good being done in the world than evil. It is not religion that is evil but those who twist it to commit evil acts. Islam is at a turning point where it must decide if it is to join the ranks of the religions of the world that are forces for the good or be taken over by radicals who only want to hate and kill.

As for Americans, I trust in that basic goodness that happened after 9/11 and I pray that our government empowers Americans to do good and to root out evil rather than closing its eyes to the fact that yes, while they may not be a boogie man under the bed, that evil does exist and it is the right thing to do to see that it does not grown stronger. If we close our eyes and tell ourselves its not there, this is exactly what will happen. Yes Virginia, there is a boogie man and even if you close your eyes, he can hurt you.

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